Griner Genealogy Family


Georgia Griner Family & Related Families with Royal Lineages is twenty years of research all compiled into one documentation book. The family history begins with our early ancestry in Europe and then evolves into the Salzburgers fleeing across the ocean for religious freedom. The first Salzburger community near Savannah is explored along with journal entries from other witnesses that were among them. The Greiner family is documented in great detail along with the Alderman lineage that has historic ties in Bulloch County, Georgia. The Alderman lineage also is the gateway to the royal linages eventually leading to Charlamagne. These royal ties are thoroughly discussed along with proven research. Other items of special interest are also included such as the history of the Battle of Eutaw Springs where John Martin Greiner fought in the Revolutionary War. This genealogy book contains photographs, land deeds, diary accounts, and other documented records that include births, deaths, and marriages from authentic sources.

Kimberly Anne Harrington has researched the Griner family and related lineages for many years and has written about the following in depth:

I. The places our Griner ancestors and their families lived and originated from, and the history of these places.

II. Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina Archives; and courthouses have been thoroughly researched for land grants, probate records, birth/death records, Revolutionary and Civil War records, and other legal records. The Family History Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, has also been thoroughly researched. Relevant discovered research is documented.

III. Passages from two diaries that tell of our German ancestors and their struggles. The Johann Christoph Bornemann Diary tells of the journey on the boat in coming to the New World with them. The John Wesley diary tells of his experience living among the Germans in Georgia.

IV. Revolutionary War and Civil War battlefield sites our ancestors fought in were visited, documented, and researched for background history.

V. Detailed information on the Jonathan Griner (father) and Martin Griner (son) families. After going over entire census material and analyzing the data, factual documentation was found on Martin Griner to disregard the myth that he was the second wealthiest in Marion County, Florida pre-Civil War.

VI. John Martin Griner’s Revolutionary War records, land grants, his signature on two neighbors’ wills, and an actual will he wrote for a dying neighbor. His documented property by the Savannah River has been located.

VII. Samuel Alderman family treasures photographed such as the coverlet Sarah Chestnut Alderman wove, the cow hide walnut chair, and the drawing of the family grandfather clock. A story of when Sherman visited the Alderman family farm and Samuel’s religious poems are showcased.

VIII. William Spencer, who is the fifth great-grandfather of Sarah Jane Alderman Griner and wife Martin Griner, was one of the first settlers of Hartford, Connecticut and was made representative, which led him to be appointed to revise the laws of Connecticut. William Spencer’s actual will and other legal documents pertaining to him were discovered including a document he wrote and his signature.

IX. Royal Lineages from Sarah Jane Alderman Griner that have been proven to Malcolm II, King of Scots; Henry II (directly related to his acknowledged illegitimate son); Charlemagne; and his ancestry which goes back to the Merovingian dynasty. Included are some background histories and interesting historical information. Firsthand account from a servant of Charlemagne that tells personal details of his life is also in the book.

X. Several grandfathers through royal lineages that fought in the Crusades and two that signed the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta has been included, word for word, as it tells the story of our ancestors struggles with King John.

XI. Directions to all the family sites, cemeteries, and battlefields.


  • Angela Royals

    My great grandfather was Robert Lee Griner, son of John M Griner 1834.
    I have been researching my dads family in hopes to finding info on my great grandmother who came in as a “boarder” and had children with Robert Lee Griner.
    I have hit a wall and idk what else to do. If anyone has any info on anything about the boarder Robert Lee Griner had naned Dora Bell, please help me. My father is running out of time on this earth and this has been my mission.

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